Programs & Services

Muslim Space offers 3 types of programs and services to nurture the spiritual well-being of the community.

All programs shall align with our Statement of Principles


"The ones who believe and their hearts are peaceful with the remembrance of Allah. Listen, the hearts find peace only in the remembrance of Allah." (13:28)

Our faith-based programs are designed to inspire engagement, critical thinking and personal reflection in an environment that is welcoming, encouraging and non-judgmental. Although one's faith is a personal relationship with a higher power, shared learning and exploration can add depth and benefit to that relationship.



"…Had Allah willed, He would have made a single community of people...Strive, then, to compete with each other in good deeds. To Allah is the return for all of you..." (5:48)

Service and work for the betterment of others can be the most spiritually uplifting and soul soothing form of worship. Our service-based programs and activities will span across the Muslim community and deep into the greater Austin area. They will offer ample opportunities for both youth and adults in a variety of settings.



"Oh humanity, We have created you from a male and a female, we have made you different tribes and nations, so that you might come to intimately know each other." (49:13)

The essence of Islam encompasses every aspect of one's life and isn't always experienced in solitude. Muslim Space aims to provide activities and programs that strengthen the bonds of friendship, teamwork and love within the community. These bonds can carry us through every facet of our lives and bolster confidence.


Those who attend all Muslim Space gatherings and functions will be expected to oblige to our Code of Conduct.