4 Dhikr Circles in Ramadan
آلا بذكر الله تطمئن القلو
“Indeed in the Remembrance of Allah to hearts find peace.” (Quran 26:13)
Dhikr is the remembrance of Allah, that brings peace to the heart, nourishes the soul and strengthens our connection with our beloved Allah (swt)
Join us for 4 in-person events at Casa De Luz Village in Austin for a series of transformative dhikr circles delving into the essence and peace of Ramadan. Let's come together to celebrate the season of prayer and peace and unite in our quest for earning the favor of Allah.
Dates and Times
Thursday, March 6th (5-7pm), March 13th (6-8pm) and March 20th (6-8pm)
Saturday March 29th (6-8pm)
Program for March 6th: at Casa De Luz, Synergy Room. 1701 Toomey Rd, Austin, TX 78704
6:00 PM Introduction to Dhikr
6:30 PM: Dhikr Circle
7:15 PM: Q/A Prep for Fast Break and Maghreb
7:30 PM : Fast Break and Pray Maghreb
7:00 PM : Exit to Casa Dining Hall for self sponsored dinner.
Parking is Free.
Everyone is welcome!
Dates, water and tea will be provided for fast break. Please feel free to bring a small snack or treat/ fruit to share for Iftar. This is optional and voluntary.
Dinner at Casa de Luz is $10-$15
The dhikr will be held and led by Sara Khan. Sara is a Sufi Minister and Healer in the Shadhuli tradition who and resides in Austin. She has a distinct flavor of recitation and of holding a dhikr group and loves helping people on their spiritual journey. She loves the Hadith of the Prophet (sws) and published a book called “Rumi and the Masters of Light.”